Altairika Blog

The virtual encyclopedia is safe for kids

2022-10-26 15:09 Articles
We are often asked the question: how safe is watching films in VR format? We understand this concern, because every parent wants the best for their child and is concerned about his or her health. Viewer safety is one of Altairika’s top priorities!

  • We use certified equipment from international companies.

  • The catalog contains only licensed content produced by professional studios.

  • Each of our partners has session regulations. All rules, written according to our many years of experience, are strictly observed.

In addition, we carefully study research on the topic of VR.

Numerous studies show that the technology is harmless for people of all ages, including children. Watching a movie is not harmful to vision, because the eyes are not focused on one distance from the screen, but constantly looking at different objects, the pupil is in the same mode as in real life.

Moreover, there are visual simulators based on VR-sets in the world.

The main limitation is the time in the glasses, equal to how they recommend limiting the time you use other gadgets. And we are careful about this limitation, regulating the maximum viewing time.