Beijing Normal University and Vive Immersive Labs experiment also shows that VR facilitates language learning and improves student outcomes.
The participants of experiment were divided into two groups randomly (one using the VR version and another using the PC version of the learning software for learning).
Each person has completed four 25-35 minutes of English study in 2 weeks, 2 to 3 days apart. The content and duration of each study were supervised by the tester. VR group and PC group were cross-ordered to reduce sequence effect and time effect.
The participants were freshman students in non-English majors of Beijing Normal University. There were two groups: the VR group contained 22 people while PC group included 21 people. The average age of the subjects was 19 (SD = 0.664) years old, where 6 males (14%) and 37 females (86%) made the whole participants.
Students in VR group have increased self-expectation in speaking, reduced the degree of learning anxiety, and increased learning excitement, indicating that the sense of immediacy in VR is better enhancing the confidence and interest of students in oral English learning. Students in the VR group have significantly longer recording duration and higher accuracy scores after the experiment, suggesting that VR can improve the performance of oral English learning.
All of investigators and researchers from this article found that
people recall information better when it is presented to them in a virtual environment
, as opposed to other methods. As Mr. Li from Vive Immersive Labs (study #4) said:
"VR is a tool that will help traditional learning, not one that will substitute it."
Only mix of the old and the new can improve real education in a healthy way.
These statements lead us to the only one conclusion:
If memory recall could be improved through immersive environment experience, then virtual environments could serve as a incredibly valuable tool for language learning.
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